Inspire, Act, Reflect

Camp Noor aims to provide an Islamic environment for the youth of our community to foster strong bonds, strengthen their faith as Muslims in the west, and develop the fundamental skills to serve as the leaders of tomorrow.


Through a series of intensive workshops, discussions, and activities, we aspire to increase the spiritual fortitude amongst our youth and aid them in the process of self-purification and growth. Furthermore, we seek to earn the pleasure of our Creator by upholding the morals and teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (as) and laying the foundation for the arrival of the Awaited Savior (as).


Camp Noor has embarked on transformative initiatives such as building wells, supporting local infrastructure, and contributing to the overall welfare of underserved populations. By combining the power of education with tangible acts of kindness, Camp Noor exemplifies how a holistic approach can uplift and empower communities, making a lasting impact that extends far beyond the pages of the books it creates and shares.


Camp Noor not only emphasizes education and outreach but also cultivates a strong sense of community through a variety of engaging events. From cozy campfire gatherings that bring together campers for storytelling and camaraderie under the starry night sky to joyous celebrations marking the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, these events serve as opportunities for cultural enrichment and social bonding. Camp Noor's commitment to fostering a holistic and inclusive environment extends beyond the educational sphere, ensuring that its participants not only gain knowledge but also build enduring friendships and cherished memories.

Contact us.

4415 Fortran Ct.
San Jose, CA 95132